M. Cedrun-Morales participating in the Bioorthogonal and Bioresponsive Symposium 2023 in Edinburgh. She presents her work in plasmonic nanoMOFs for intracellular photothermal delivery.

Engineered cell membrane-cloaked metal-organic framework nanocrystals for intracellular cargo delivery published by Migliavacca M. and Cedrún-Morales M. et al. in Journal of Colloidal and Interface Science. This study presents cell

Dra. Beatriz Pelaz will talk about Smart nanomaterials for bioapplications at CNBIO (4th July 2024) CINBIO Seminar Programme: “Smart Nanocarriers for living cells applications» https://cinbio.es/difusion/eventos/dra-beatriz-pelaz-cinbio-seminar-programme

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