Light-Responsive Nanoantennas Integrated into Nanoscale Metal–Organic Frameworks for Photothermal Drug Delivery published by Cedrún-Morales M. et al. in Small Science. This work studies the potential of novel plasmonic core-shell nanocomposites


By Ester Polo

The Royal Galician Academy of Sciences (RAGC) and the Universidad Intercontinental de la Empresa (UIE) have just approved the first edition of the RAGC-UIE Awards for Young Researchers. These awards


By Ester Polo

BNT members: Dr. P. Del Pino, Dra. B. Pelaz, Dra. E. Polo, M. Ceballos y M. Cedrún-Morales present recent work about NanoMOFs and Biomimetic NPs at the XXXIX Reunión Bienal


By Ester Polo

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